
I can’t do it anymore. The silly, sarcastic and absurd experience of online dating has run its course. It was entertaining for a bit, but everyone has the same story. It’s depressing. I don’t like depressing.

The few things I’ve learned from this experiement are:

  • New York City is full of women that have not grown out of the high school hobby of chase the bad boy. The problem is that the “bad boys” become unemployable “artists” in their 30’s that can barely hold a coherent sentence.
  • Too many women believe the myth that they can get laid any day of the week. That myth was started byย desperate, angry frat boys.
  • I am not above using fake cell phone calls to get out of awkward situations. It’s pathetic. It’s even more pathetic that it seemingly works.
  • I’m attracted to women that look like me. I’ve spent my whole life trying to fuck myself.
Good night,
The management.
About Author: anthony

1 thought(s) on “Done

  • Sweetie, if you were correct about women chasing bad boys, then you’d probably have gotten more responses. After reading through this pathetic website, I’ve concluded that you are the farthest thing from a “nice guy.”

    “Too many women believe the myth that they can get laid any day of the week. That myth was started by desperate, angry frat boys.”

    …How did you learn that from online dating? Most women know this isn’t true, because most women have tried to get laid at some point in their lives and been rejected.

    What is the point of this site? So that lots of people will comment on what a funny and interesting chap you are? So you can complain that women don’t fall over themselves to talk to you? Take a look here – That’s what lots of women, and some men, have to deal with.

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