Draft 1 complete 

Draft 1 of OK Stupid The Book is done. My editors have it in their inboxes. In between ads for 80% off Viiagra(sic) and shipments updates from Amazon it waits for their grubby, ink stained hands. Want to know how it starts? Settle down. Here, are the opening paragraphs. Enjoy. Dating blows. Those that do […]

How to choose an online dating screen name 

The importance of a screen name cannot be minimized. The screen name is for all intents and purposes your name. This is too much pressure your first time around. After clicking that first link, the one that says sure I’ll give this online dating thing a whirl, you have to identify yourself. The screen name […]

OK Stupid, The Book 

Howdy, Not a lot of posting as of late because life has gotten in the way of my hobby of sending out messages to the ladies of the Internet. Fear not, I’ve been working on OK Stupid The Book. One day it will be OK Stupid The Movie, OK Stupid The Lunchbox, and OK Stupid […]

would you like a shave? 

She likes her music to be from the early 80’s and on vinyl. Hi, The only thing I own on vinyl is the extended version of, “The message”. Not quite the same category as Olivia Newton John, but I do remember the movie Xandau corrupting my young mind. I’ve been mugged twice on different continents. […]

A little bit of paradise 

She doesn’t like the term “Activity Partner” and likes big cats. Howdy, You lived in the Marshall islands? That’s amazing. I had a job where on the first day when they have you sign all of those tax forms, health forms and the like, they slipped in a form where I agreed to not visit […]